Sunday, May 11, 2014


SO here is a quick update….its been 4 weeks and I can say…yea, I've had to really organize my calendar/time/sleep/workout/personal time…..Thats pretty much all I have time for currently…I have class Monday through Thursday for my 1st quarter.
Classes are as follows:
* Mondays: Pharmacology 9am-12pm and Principles of Assessment 1pm-4pm
* Tuesday: Principles of Assessment Lab 12pm-3pm (there are 3 lab times to choose from when we start at the beginning but you have to keep you lab time once you choose it. The other choice's
are: 8am-11am; and 4pm-7pm. Also we have an open lab on Wednesdays from 1pm-5pm to make up any labs misses or to practice for assessments.
* Wednesday: Intro to Nursing 8am-12pm.
* Thursday: Principles of Assessment Lab again 12pm-3pm

Friday/Saturday and Sundays off….and of course we all know that these days aren't actually "OFF" days….they are days you get all of your studying done and anything you didn't have time for throughout the week… etc etc…

I have noticed a few things I don't like this 1st quarter is that it has felt like most of the teachers are just reading off of the power points. But the tests are from everything…book, power points, notes, study guides form lab manuals, and the ATI books we get (they supply these)…. anyhow…I feel like I could just study for the tests from my home, these classes could easily be done ONLINE! I feel like I get most of my learning done when I'm home studying this material vs. in classroom teaching…
They do tend to tell some really interesting stories but for teaching purposes, I think I could do just as good reading off of the power points at home myself… So far the teaching style is much like associate level teaching were you could still learn just as much and BE ABLE to SKIP CLASS…
I would like for us to be able to just stay home and study if we wanted to. I liked when we had teachers say: YOU ARE AN ADULT NOW….YOU CAN CHOOSE TO COME TO CLASS OR NOT…THATS UP TO YOU…BUT YOUR GRADES ARE YOU RESPONSIBILITY!  Man, I WISH that applied here!

Anyways, I think thats about it for now, I've missed out on some nights of sleep, and/or gotten very little a few nights before tests but other than that I think once you get the hang of managing your time then you will have more time to workout and/or do the things you want to do. If you have kids or family, its probably a lot more difficult. So far, I am lucky enough not to have to worry about a job, family or kids to worry about so I think that also helps in my time management and having more flexibility. Although tons of people have jobs, kids and families in my class and they are doing just fine…

Well until next post!
